- We call for public ownership and democratic control of all our natural resources in order to conserve resources, preserve our wilderness areas, and restore environmental quality.
- We call for placing full financial responsibility on private companies for prevention and clean up of their own toxic wastes and for full compensation of workers and residents adversely affected by environmental hazards.
- We oppose policies that target minority communities for placement of local landfills, toxic waste disposal sites, or incinerators.
- We call for strong, enforceable endangered species protection that focuses on habitat-centered protection for plants and animals.
- We support the recycling of glass, metals, plastic, paper, and chemicals and the use of recycled materials for public works projects such as roadways, parks, and playgrounds.
- We oppose open-pit mining operations and support the reclamation of land used by mining operations at the company’s expense.
- We support large-scale environmental restoration efforts.